By Bob McClain
Imagine this: You cut yourself and you don’t even bleed. There’s no blood at all. Concerned? Yes, and rightly so, because red blood is expected after you cut yourself. You go immediately to the doctor, and he examines you and does tests, and he tells you that there’s absolutely no blood in your body. He tells you that your blood flow is pretty much dried up.
The body without blood will soon die. Likewise, every marriage must have COMMUNICATION in order to survive. Communication is the lifeblood of your marriage!
Both people in a marriage MUST communicate with each other, or else the marriage will die just as your body will die if there’s no blood flowing through your veins and arteries.
If only one of the spouses is talking and attempting to communicate, the marriage will still die, it just dies slower, but eventually it will die.
Now, Practically this might help you if you’re having trouble communicating with your spouse:
1. Do you pray? Because prayer is communication with GOD.
2. Do you open up and talk to God in a transparent way? HE knows all there is to know about you, but do you talk about your innermost feelings, fears, hurts, and disappointments in life?
3. Do you cry out before HIM? If you find it hard to open up before GOD, then it’s likely you’ll never open up with your spouse.
4. If you are able to open up before GOD and vent your anger and frustration, then it’ll help you in your communication with your spouse.
5. Pent-up anger, and frustration. disappointment, grief, pain, and lack of love, nurturing, and care can lead to all kinds of problems in life.
6. So many people, especially men, are like walking time bombs. Get some help soon!
Bob McClain