Military Oath of Enlistment vs Trumpism 2024

First off this Memorial Day I have so much respect for my loved ones & friends who are living their Oath of Enlistment and honoring your service. There’s no honor or thanks this year (2024) from me for those who swore an oath (Oath of Enlistment) to God & Country but supports Donald Trump. I only honor the military oath of enlistment keepers. There’s no honor in that but it does suggest that something in you that’s greater than your oath to God and country considering he (Trump) is not only acting like a dictator but proclaiming he will be just that on day one and says he will suspend the Constitution the very oath military people swear to defend. Only people susceptible to cults would even attempt to rationalize this.



I,__________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

In this oath to God & country they promise to defend the very Constitution Trump is talking about suspending so how can they rationalize voting for Trump as supporting the Constitution? The answer is they can’t and there’s something within them that’s more powerful than oaths to God & country and there’s an honest discussion to be had about exactly what that is. In my personal opinion racism, corrupt inner character or cult indoctrination would be strong enough to overpower a solemn oath to God & country to make then not to support or defend the Constitution.

Another area of the oath says that the person solemnly swearing the military Induction Oath to God and country swears to “bare true faith and allegiance to the same” so a military person supporting Trump flies in the face of that oath unless proven otherwise. We must not forget that Trump is running against the American institutions these military people swore to defend and protect. Trump talked about executing the Generals but still gets military support because there’s something about him (Trump) that’s so powerful that an oath to God and country means nothing at all. *Besides the total conflict of the oath to God and country his military supporters have other problems like when Trump called military soldiers “suckers & losers” and the disrespectful comments he’s made to families of the fallen. There’s something deeply cult-like that would make someone disregard a solemn oath to God & country and support someone who wipes their feet on the oath military people take. We must ask ourselves what that is and bring it to light to expose it.

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