‘THINGS You and I Want Our KIDS to Know About Christmas’

It’s that time of the year again and I wrote this

article in 2018 and feel that

it is needed NOW(more so than ever….again).

Our media may be littered with posts about the ‘Black Friday Sales’… craziness. There are people fighting over $2 toasters and punching and crazy lines and just this overall crazy entitlement to stuff. Don’t mind the deals, go shopping and have fun mingling with the crowd …meeting new
and old friends. But, truth is, it’s just stuff. Stuff that we’re going to have to put in our homes and deal with plus having a garage sale and complain about and purge and clean and dust and take care of as the days pass.

__What do you want your kids to really know about Christmas? Here are my things.

1. In our house, Christmas is about Jesus. That’s first. The rest follows.

2. The stuff goes away. Relationships do not.

3. Always smile and at least thank the Bell Ringer at the store. Do not look
away. Gather change beforehand to give.

4. Take time to slow down and appreciate the little things.

5. Always say “thank you” to those working at the stores and look them in
the eye and smile.

6. A handwritten note is always worth the effort.

7. Family matters. Take time to learn about family investment and love!

8. Better to be less busy than to be crazy busy
9. The number of presents received does not matter.

10. Baking makes a mess; it also makes memories.

11. It’s okay if the bottom of the tree is full of ornaments. Someday it will look perfect.​

12. Christmas music should only be played after Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day__lol

13.Traditions matter; establish them __ but always allow room for new traditions.

14. Even if life isn’t perfect there still can be beautiful and joyful moments.

15. Give to others first. (Giving back isn’t just a December thing, make it a year-long thing)

16. Sometimes the Christmas tree falls over. Fact. Just pick it up and try again.

17. Smile. Smile. Smile___and give others grace as you don’t know their story.

18. Cultivate and celebrate the spirit of wonder in little kids.

19. If other kids believe in Santa Claus and you don’t, don’t ruin it for them.

20. Always buy your wrapping paper after Christmas when it’s 70% off at Target/Dollar Tree.

21. You won’t get everything you want. Be grateful for what you get and be blessed to receive it.

22. Write a Christmas list. Save it. Someday you’ll enjoy looking back at them.

23. Take time to listen to others and to learn their stories. So really, just slow down.

24. You can say, ‘Merry Christmas’ to others even though they just say ‘Happy Holliday” to you.

25. Be grateful. Be thankful. Love your family. And remember why you celebrate Christmas!

It’s not about stuff.

When we lose focus then this Christmas season has the potential to become this crazy hectic want-to pull our hair out month where we breathe a sigh of relief that it is January. Remember number fourteen, even if life isn’t perfect or what you expect or any of that, there can still be good and joy.

It’s the little things. Look for the joy, the good, the wonder, and all of that first.

Brenda M. Jelks-Hutchinson
(a grown ‘child’ who still believes GOD is
good, for HE sent HIS SON —in a manger to
show us how to live on Earth and Eternally.
—just give that money to at least 3 deserving local organizations and to
(our schools, shelters, etc!!!)
Yes, “Virginia, there is a Santa Clause—the
wonders of HOPE, JOY and PEACE

3 Replies to “‘THINGS You and I Want Our KIDS to Know About Christmas’”

    1. Thank you Kenneth and welcome to ou crew! You are carrying on your family’s penmanship of reporters ( The Calllpost Newspaper!!
      Do you have any of those newspapers?

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