By Curtis E. Gatewood

Since filing my U.S. Civil Rights Complaint against the internally oppressive actions of today’s hierarchal brand of NAACP national leadership that mistreats its own volunteers, ties their hands with unfair and indefinite suspensions, and deprive them of their rights; since certain members of a group I have worked throughout its embryonic stages, has appeared on Roland Martin Unfiltered on May 9, 2024; and after hearing from countless former NAACP officers and members from across the country who have similarly been wrongfully harmed and hurt by wrongful suspensions that deviate from NAACP bylaws and violate basic civil/human rights principles, I am convinced, God had such painfully internal acts of betrayal to attack me personally to awaken me to the fact of how, we as Black Americans are being oppressed and held down by both internal and external acts of hatred, evil, cheating, lying, and oppression.

Further, if we as Black people are not openly, honestly, and courageously willing to simultaneously address BOTH Black and White forms of oppression, hatred, dishonesty, corruption, and betrayal, we will NEVER be free. We as Black people have totally underestimated the damage of Black self-hatred and the mental slavery that came as part of the sinfully oppressive physical enslavement that horrifically robbed the culture and minds of our ancestors who were forced to endure devilish acts of so-called “White Supremacy.”

The legislative “Emancipation Proclamation” without mental, cultural, spiritual, and financial restoration created a false sense of “freedom” for Black Americans. At the same time, our White oppressors knew full well we remained vulnerable and gullible to their substantial control of our mental and financial well-being.

Our White oppressors knew, after centuries of engaging in the total and complete terroristic robbery of Black culture, Black humanity, Black sanity, and Black financial sustainability, it would only be a matter of time that they could further guide us directly and indirectly toward the usage of our own so-called “civil rights leaders,” preachers, churches, organizations, entertainment/music, monies, and every other mechanism that was once used as a source of Black liberation, to re-enslave, re-kill, re-steal, recapture, re-cheat, and REPEAT what was done to our ancestors without ever providing our essential need for financial reparations and mental restoration.
The so-called “Black leaders” and the “charismatic leaders” that are being validated, manipulated, protected, and propelled to “national prominence” by mainstream media, are part of a larger conspiracy to keep truly free-thinking Blacks at bay, demonized, and neutralized.
Consequently, today, “the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights organization,” is just one of many entities now directly and/or indirectly overtaken by corporate dollars, “White Supremacist” methodologies, and led by Black puppet hijackers to do and get away with Black oppression that would traditionally be carried out directly by our White oppressors.
So-called “Black leadership” can now easily be paid and used to carry out today’s Black oppression for three reasons:

1. Blacks have remained systemically deprived of financial sustainability, therefore, countless so-called “educated Blacks” remain available and willing to be used as Black sellouts;

2. On one hand, Black America has established no consequences nor punishment for Black sellouts, Black Judases, Black betrayers and violators of our rights; and Black America has offered no collective outrage toward Black emulators of oppressive institutional racism; on the other hand, White America uses its powerful media, grants, the offering of personal financial crumbs, and other monkey-see-monkey-do tools, to reward those who exemplify the harmful self-destructive characteristics of self-serving Black betrayal.

3. Blacks have been programmed to focus only on the oppressive mistreatment of Whites coupled by the notion that Blacks are to never openly complain or “air the dirty laundry” of other Blacks who are often validated/used by Whites to hijack Black organizations, and to keep the most courageous, most committed, most insightful, most humble, most free-minded, most socially conscious, most visionary, most uncontrollable, most independent, and those with the most integrity neutralized, stigmatized, despised, and least likely to rise.

The solution is to fight oppression and injustice no matter which face or race is used to carry oppression and injustice forward. It is time we learn that harmful attacks from Blacks who are either jealous, insecure, self-serving, or being egregiously used by their White oppressors, can no longer be underestimated in how such wrongful attacks violate the rights and continuously deprive new generations of Black children of their dreams of becoming the absolute best at their God-given niche.

This is why, I am convinced, committed, and believe I have been called to fight “the good fight” against anyone who gets between God’s oppressed people and the state of freedom and justice, regardless of your title, your perceived religion, your social status, your perceived “race,” your perceived power, your perceived popularity, your politrickery or political affiliation, or media validation.

I further see it as my duty to call upon all who have truly been called to do God’s work of JUSTICE and civil/human rights, to become consistent in doing such work, and understand there are certain fools who are used as tools to do us all harm who look like us but are not for us. These Black fools are used to destroy other Black people by jumping out front and assuming self-serving positions of “leadership” or as misguided fools with guns who shoot and kill their own Black struggling neighbors in the streets.

They too (the aforementioned internal perpetrators) must be stopped immediately, forced to cease urgently, and held to account to the fullest extent imaginable. Otherwise, our body as a Black community and its pursuit toward justice will be dealt a final blow of oppression that causes death by internal bleeding.

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