אנכי יהוה אלהיך


The Hebrew expression, “Kabbalat ol Malkhut Ha Shamayim” literally means that we accept the yoke of the kingdom of Heaven commonly referred to as the Davidic yoke. What does accept the Davidic yoke of Heaven mean, what are its implications? The Hebrew expression, “אנכי יהוה אלהיך (Hebrew Transliteration) “Anochi Ha Shem Elohecha” (English translation) “I am the Lord your God” are the words spoken by Ha Shem in Exodus 20:2. In order to appreciate the fullest comprehension and implications of these three words, we must carefully consider the meaning? There are two forms of the Hebrew word “I”, Ani, and Anochi and they convey different meanings. The word ani calls our attention to the speaker, in contrast to anochi, the one spoken to. Anochi, the form used in verse Exodus 20: 2 places the speaker in an intimate relationship with the one spoken to.  This is the first commandment at Mount Sinai, and as so often proposed by other religions does not mean that we believe in the existence of God. Torah doesn’t demand a belief in God, it is a foregone conclusion among Hebrews there is but one unique, all-powerful god.  The question is whether you are going to make the god of the Hebrews your own? This very question is being posited to African Americans today in this prophetic redemptive cycle. The basis of the Hebrew Nation’s relationship with God not about feelings, or what we want from God. These first three words: יהוה אלהיך אנכי are not to be understood as a pronouncement, as in I, Adonai, am your God, but rather, as a commandment (mitzvah), I, Adonai, am to be your God”. To accept this commandment is the acceptance of He whose will we must abide, whose power and might we must respect, whose being is within us, and out of whose presence we venture not; this is acceptance of the Davidic Yoke of Heaven!

 The second objective of this article is to introduce readers to the “Sh’ma” and it’s first paragraph. Moreover, I will provide a Hebraic transliteration with an English translation. The Sh’ma is the quintessential Hebraic declaration of the sovereignty and Oneness of Ha Shem.  By declaring that God is One, indivisible, and Unique, we subordinate every facet of our personalities, passion, and very life to His will. The Sh’ma is said twice daily by every devout Hebrew, it is the Jewish/Hebrew creed. Deuteronomy 6:4, שמע ישדשל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד (Hebrew transliteration) She-ma Yis-ra-el A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, a-do-nai E-chad. (English translation) “Hear O Israel Adonai is our God; Adonai is One.

The first paragraph of the Sh’ma: “You shall love Adonai your God with all your mind, body, and strength. Keep these words, that I command you today, in mind. Instruct your children about them. Use them when you sit at home and when you walk about, when you lie down and when you stand up. Write them on the door of your house and on your gates.

(Hebrew transliteration): Ve-a-hav-ta eit A-do-nai- e-lo-he-cha, be-chol le-va-ve-cha, u-ve-chol naf-she-cha, u-ve-chol me-o-de-cha.Ve-ha-yu ha-de-va-rim ha-ei-leh, a-sher- a-no-chi me-tsa-ve-cha ha-yom, al-le-va-ve-cha. Ve-shi-nan-tam le-va-ne-cha, ve-di-bar-ta- bam be-shiv-te-cha be-vei-te-cha u-ve-lech-te-cha va-de-rech, u-ve-shoch-be-cha u-ve-ku-me-cha. U-ke-shar-tam le-ot al-ya-de-cha, ve-ha-yu le-to-ta-fot bein-ei-ne-cha. U-che-tav-tam al-me-zu-zot bei-te-cha u-vish-a-re-cha.

Reciting the Sh’ma and its first paragraph is a profound spiritual exercise. The Hebrew Language is not comprised of conventional or arbitrary sounds. Each letter is an impulse of profound spiritual force with a mathematical equivalent. The daily recitation of Shema will expedite your spiritual transformation and connection to יהוה  (Ha Shem).

One Reply to “אנכי יהוה אלהיך”

  1. Very interesting and informative Dr. Y’shua Yisrael. I look forward to reading more of your articles. I believe men of God should come together and reason with each other. We should stop being afraid to learn something new, or ponder a different point of view.

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