Gadsden’s Baptist Retirement Village Protects Residents

With Covid-19 having moved into Etowah County near the end of March, senior living facilities are taking steps to protect their people as best they can.

Already, in some areas, such as in Tennessee, seniors have caught the virus which speedily spreads through facilities housing many seniors.

The very first Covid-19 case occurred at year’s beginning at a nursing home in Seattle. Wash. The deadly virus is especially harmful for senior citizens who, more often than not, already have health compromising conditions.

“We are certainly fighting as best we can to keep everyone safe,” says Brandi Clough, administrator at East Gadsden’s two-unit Baptist Retirement Village I and II where residents live in one-room apartments either in the ground level unit-I apartments or n the newer, three-story building across the street. The resident population of both 103 residents.

Both buildings are gated communities and these days, the gates are being kept shut 24/7.

“We encourage residents to discourage friendly visits and ask that they only allow close family members to visit,” adds Clough. “We are also encouraging them to stay home, ‘sheltering-in-place’ as health officials throughout the United States are urging everyone to do,” she adds.

BRV residents are fortunate in that a U.S. Post Office is immediately next door, along with a grocery store, dollar store, Laundromat, (although residents have access to their own buildings’ laundry rooms); restaurants and a bank.

Alabama Governor Kay Ivy has issued a ‘stay in place’ order, closing all non-essential operations, ranging from restaurants which are allowed to provide “take-out” services, to parks and recreation centers. Stores, excepting those that sale essentials, are closed. BRV’s restrictions are in keeping with the national “Shelter-in-place” orders.

BRV’s outside doors also bear warning signs suggesting that handshakes are dangerous, and ask that visits be limited. Staff safety measures are also in place, encouraging residents to keep to their apartments and away, as much as possible, from BRV staff members.

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