Prayer is the outpouring of the heart before Ha Shem, it is a means of soul rectification. The patriarchs set the precedent for praying three times daily. Abraham, the first Hebrew (Genesis 14:13), is credited with implementing Morning Prayer, “Abraham rose up in the morning to the place where he had stood “(Genesis 19:27). The patriarch Isaac implemented Afternoon Prayer, “Isaac went out to speak in the fields” (Genesis 24:63). Similarly, we find concerning Jacob, “He alighted upon the place” which our sages explain refers to Evening Prayer. The central prayer of the Hebrew liturgy is the Shemoneh Esrei, also known today as Amidah (literally standing prayer) which is recited three times daily. The Amidah was composed, formulated, and edited by the Anshei Knesset Ha Gedolah the “Men of the Great Assembly” which included the prophets Ezra, Nehemiah, Mordechai, Zerubbabel, Haggai, Zachariah, and Malachi. The Amidah was put into its current form by Rabban Gamliel; four centuries after the destruction of the second Temple, a nineteenth blessing was added but the name remained unchanged. The prayer is structured, it includes praise, petition, and thanksgiving. This powerful prayer will heighten the sensitivity to and communion with, יהוה (Ha Shem). Reciting the Shemoneh Esrei purifies the heart so that one  may love יהוה (HaShem) and his neighbor as thyself.

Having taken three steps backward, take three steps forward, remain standing with feet together while reciting Shemoneh Esrei. Recite with quiet devotion and without any interruption. Although it should be audible to others, one must pray loudly enough to hear himself.

     My Lord open, that my mouth may declare your praises Patriarchs

Blessed are You, Hashem, our god and the God of our forefather, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob; the great, might, and awesome god, the supreme God, who bestows beneficial kindness and creates everything, who recalls the kindness of the patriarchs and bring a redeemer to their children’s children for his Namesake with love. O King, Helper, Savior and shield. Blessed are You, Hashem shield of Abraham.

God’s Might

You are eternally mighty, my Lord, the Resuscitator of the dead are You; abundantly able to save. He sustains the living with kindness, resuscitates the dead with abundant mercy, supports the fallen, heals the sick, release the confined, and maintains His faith with those asleep in the dust, who is like You, O master of mighty deeds, and who is comparable to You, O King Who causes death and restores life and makes salvation sprout! And You are faithful to resuscitate the dead. Blessed are you Hashem, who resuscitates the dead.

Holiness of God’s Name

You are holy and your name is holy, and holy ones praise You every day, forever, for You Are God, the great and holy King. Blessed are You, Hashem, the holy god.


You graciously endow man with knowledge and teach insight to a frail mortal. Endow us graciously from Yourself with wisdom, insight, and knowledge. Blessed are you Hashem, gracious Giver of knowledge.


Bring us back, our Father, to Your Torah, and bring us near, our King, to your service, and influence us to return in perfect repentance before You. Blessed are you Hashem, who desires repentance.


Forgive us, Father, for we have erred; pardon us, our King for we have willfully sinned; for You are the good and forgiving God Blessed Are You, Hashem, the gracious One Who pardon abundantly.


Behold, please, our affliction, take up our grievances, and redeem us with a complete redemption speedily for Your Namesake, for You Are God, the powerful Redeemer. Blessed are You, Hashem, Redeemer of Israel.

Health and Healing

Heal us Ha Shem then we will be heled; save us- then we will be saved for you are our praises. Bring complete recovery for all our aliments for you are God, king, the faithful, and compassionate Healer. Blessed are You, Hashem Who heals the sick of the people of Israel.

Year of Prosperity

Bless on our behalf- O Hashem, our God- this year and all kinds of crops for the best, and give a blessing on the face of the earth, and satisfy us from your bounty, and bless our year like the best years for blessing. For you are the good and beneficent God Who blesses the years. Blessed are You, Hashem, who blesses the years.

In-gathering of Exiles

Sound the great shofar for our freedom, raise the banner to gather our exiles and speedily gather us together from the four corners of the earth to our Land. Blessed are You, Hashem, who gather in the dispersed of His people Israel.

Restoration of Justice

Restore our judges as in earlier times, and our counselors as at first, remove from us sorrow and groan; and speedily reign over us- You, Hashem, alone- with kindness and compassion, and justify us through righteousness and judgment. Blessed are You, Hashem, the King Who loves righteousness and judgment.

Against Heretics

And for slanders let there no hope; and may all the heretics perish in an instant; and may all the enemies of Your people be cut down speedily. May you speedily uproot, smash, and cast down the wanton sinners- destroy them, lower them, and humble them speedily in our days. Blessed are You, Hashem, who breaks enemies and humble wanton sinners.

The Righteous

On the righteous, on the devout, of the elder of the remainder of Your people the Family of Israel, on the remnant of the academy of their scholars, on the righteous coverts and on ourselves- may Your compassion be aroused, please, Hashem, our God, and give goodly reward to all who sincerely believe in your Name. Put our lot with them and may we never feel ashamed, for we trust in You, and upon Your kindness truly great compassion do we rely. Blessed are You, Hashem, Mainstay, and Assurance of the righteous.

Rebuilding Jerusalem

And to Jerusalem, your city, may You return in compassion, and may You rest within it, as You have spoken. May You rebuild it soon in our day as an eternal structure, and may you speedily establish the throne of Your servant David within it, blessed are You, Hashem, the Builder of Jerusalem.

 David Reign

The offspring of your servant David may you speedily cause to flourish and enhance his pride through Your salvation, for we hope for your salvation all the day and look forward to salvation. Blessed are You, Hashem, who causes the pride of salvation to flourish.

Acceptance of Prayer

Merciful Father, hear our voice, Hashem our God, pity and be compassionate to us, and accept- with compassion and favor- our prayer, for God who hears prayer and supplication are You. From before Yourself, our King, turn us not away empty-handed. Be gracious with us, answer us, and hear our prayers for you hear the prayers of each mouth of Your people Israel with compassion. Blessed are You, Hashem, who hears prayer.

Temple Service

Be favorable, Hashem, our God toward Your people Israel, turn to their prayers and restore the service to the Holy of Holies of Your Temple.  Blessed are You, Hashem, who restores His Presence to Zion.

 Thanksgiving (Modim)

We gratefully thank You for it is You Who are Hashem, our God and the God of our forefathers for all eternity; our Rock, the Rock of our lives, shield of our salvation are You from generation to generation. We shall thank You and relate Your praises- for our lives, which are committed to Your power and for our souls that are entrusted to You; for Your miracles that are with us every day, and for your wonders and favors in every season-evening, morning, and afternoon. The Beneficent One, for Your compassion, was never exhausted, and the compassionate One, For Your kindnesses never ended- for we have always put our hope in you. For all these, may Your Name blessed, exalted, and extolled our King continually forever and ever.


Establish peace, goodness, blessing, life, graciousness, kindness, and compassion upon us and upon all of Your people Israel. Bless us, our Father, all of us as one; with the light of Your countenance, for with the light of Your Countenance You gave us, Hashem, our God, the Torah of life and love of kindness, righteousness, blessing, compassion, life, and peace. And may it be good in your eyes to bless us and to bless all of Your people Israel, in every season and in every hour with your peace (with abundant strength and peace). Blessed are You, Hashem, who blessed His people Israel with peace.

Concluding Prayer

My God Guard my tongue against evil and my lips from speaking deceitfully. To those who cures me, let my soul be silent; and let my soul be like dust to everyone. Open my heart to your Torah, then my soul will pursue your commandments. As for all those who oppose and who design evil against me, speedily nullify their counsel and disrupt their design. May it be your will, Hashem, my God and the god of my forefathers, that human jealousy may not revolt against me, nor my jealousy against others; may I not become angry today, and may I not anger you. Rescue me from the evil inclination, and place in my heart submissiveness and humility. O our King and our God, cause your name to be unified in your world; rebuild your city, lay the foundation of your house, perfect Your sanctuary; gather in the scattered exile, redeem Your sheep, and gladden your congregation. Act for Your Name’s sake; act for your right hand’s sake; act for Your Torah’s sake; act for Your sanctity’s sake. That your beloved ones may be given rest; let your right hand save, and respond to me. May the expression of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You, Hashem, my rock, and my redeemer. He who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace upon us, and upon all Israel, now respond; Amen.


Dr. Yisrael offers an individualized Hebrew crash reading course, the aim of which is Torah literacy. Interested parties should say so and leave their contact information in the designated space below.

ישוא ישראל

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