There Are More Ways to Win A War Than By Fighting
Is The United States Under Invasion By Red China?
Having been a long time multimedia-journalist in this country and overseas, I have witnessed some things that seem to tie-in today with happenings of long ago.
Back in the early 1960’s while on filming expeditions in the Caribbean, Central, and South America, I witnessed something very interesting. I traveled back-country and it was on expedition taking me over a wide swarth four South American countries that I witnessed a very strange similarity in each of those countries’ “outbacks.” Filming in what was then British Guyana; Venezuela, Columbia, and up the Amazon River in Brazil, I witnessed, in each of those countries’ growing areas, groups of Red Chinese men wining and dining farmers, politicians, and community movers and shakers. The Chinese were charming and free-giving with dinner parties for locals as they encouraged them to plant cocoa, poppies, and marijuana.
By 1968, while on staff at a major Southern university, I witnessed and even attended, a few “pot parties” as new shipments of China White or Smackarrived from Latin America or the Far East. Offering free illicit drugs, along with liquor, soft drinks, and the pretzels, these parties were often hosted by university professors. (Well, remember it was the Hippy 1960’s). Rumor on campus would be that a new shipment of Dragon Goldor such had just arrived and the party-goers were at it, fast and furious.
Recently, here in the United States, it has been reported by the Trump Administration’s Department of Agriculture, (USDA), that packets of seeds have arrived bearing Chinese postmarks in at least 31 states. USDA officials seriously warn those who receive these seed packets to not plant them and, preferably, not to open the packets which arrive in packets labeled ‘jewelry.’ Officials, state and federal, also warn that the seeds should not be tossed into the garbage, but be secured in plastic bags and set aside until someone decides what should be done with them. In a news release, USDA officials warn that these seeds, if planted, could become an ecological disaster, possibly harboring invasive species or even insects while appearing to be either flower or vegetable seeds.
“An invasive plant species might not sound threatening, but these small invaders could destroy Texas agriculture,” a Texas agriculture commissioner reported in a news release from his department. USDA scientists agree, which is why that department has such strict rules on importing plants and other organic materials. Plant pathogens or insects could reside within such seeds warns Penn State Pathology and Environmental Microbiology program Professor Carolee Bull in a recent New York Times’ statement. The seeds, now discovered in 31 states, may very well be an “invasive species” being sent from China. An alternative theory is that they have been sent to scam Americans.
Officials warn that this also might be a scam as part of an online “brushing” effort that a vendor uses to bolster product ratings and increase online visibility. By shipping inexpensive items to unknowing receivers, they then submit positive reviews on the receivers’ behaves, on the Internet. Nearly all of the seed packages appear to bear the label “jewelry,” but when opened contain the seeds.
ADD 1 China Invasion
Experts warn against opening the seed packets themselves and urge the seeds not to be thrown away in the trash. Once in the garbage, the seeds can be sown in garbage dumps, packets torn open to the wind, and, if containing invasive species, widely plant them to do irreparable harm to America’s agriculture and food industries. Food gathering and dispersal are under already threat due to three years of drought then flooded growing seasons. Along with the supply chain effects of Covid-19, these seeds could do irreparable harm to the American food supply which is already stressed.
Then there was Wuhan. Some belief is held that the coronavirus Covid-19 got its start in a Chinese “wet market” where live animals are sold, while a more official belief is that the deadly virus, which has wiped out nearly 155 million Americans with even more dying at an accelerating rate, actually escaped a Wuhan, Hubei, China, scientific lab from which the Trump Administration earlier withdrew USA science observers.
The Chinese – who do believe in history and teach it in their school systems, have long memories. They very well remember the Boxer Rebellion and the opiate wars of the 1800s. While Americans turn their backs on their histories preferring the latest fads over something as ancient as history, they have forgotten these events. The Chinese could be paying “get-back” for its populace forced into opiate addictions by the actions of both the British and Americans all those years ago. Besides, conquering the USA by subjugation its populace with drugs and then further adding to a growing food disaster just might be right up the Chinese way of thinking.
Sources: USDA, New York Times, Yahoo News, CNN, Wikipedia