Encountering the teachings and soul of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, the Tzadik of this generation has been the greatest joy of my life. The Likutey Moharan his Magnum Opus, elucidates the critical difference between spiritual mediocrity and holiness. Every Jewish/ Hebrew soul is bound to a specific Tzadik whose holiness is manifest in their soul. Every wisdom has a specific frequency that can be expressed as a melody or tune. Wisdom is a hierarchal platform, ascending upward to the inception of creation; the point where infinite dynamism and infinite silence of infinity merge. Each ascending level of wisdom has a corresponding faith and each faith has its specific melody or tune that corresponds to that level of faith. The highest faith is the” light of No Limit” which is beyond speculative reasoning and intellectual analyses. This faith belongs to the Jewish / Hebrew people and therefore, the Jewish people are called IVRiim {Hebrews} for they are able to pass through all of the wisdom that is not really wisdom. God is called, “the God of the Hebrews” (Exodus 3:18). Rabbi Nachman teaches that a Hebrew is one who has crossed over from philosophical inquiry into faith (Likutey Moharan # 64)”. The highest faith which is the “No Limit light” is expressed today as the tune, the single, double, triple, quadruple Song of Redemption; its melody is higher than all the tunes and melodies known of all wisdom, for it is the melody associated with totality. This melody is an aspect of the Tzadik (Saint) of this generation who is an aspect of the father of prophets, i.e., Moses. The Song of Redemption is the song of the Tzadik of this generation who frees all the souls that have fallen into the heresy. “Na Nach Nachma Nachman M’Uman” is a holy melody that lifts the soul from a mundane existence to the heights of faith, happiness, and communion with G-d.

In 1922, a Breslover Hassid, Yisrael Dov Odesser miraculously received a Petek (note) from Rabbi Nachman. The Petek said: “Very hard it was for me to descend to my precious student tell you that I have benefitted greatly from your service and upon you, I have said, my fire will burn to the Mashiach will come, be strong and courageous in your service/ Na Nach Nachma Nachman M’Uman. / and with this, I will reveal to you a secret and it is/ full heaped up from end to end (PTzPTzYH) and with the strengthening of service you will understand it and a sign the 17 of Tamuz they will say that you are not fasting”. Rabbi Nachma signed his name in this unique fashion which revealed that his name i.e., his soul and teachings is The Song that is, Single (Na – נ), Double (Nach – נח), Triple Nachma-נחמ), Quadruple (Nachman- נחמן).  The Petek though uniquely discovered by Rabbi Israel Dov Odesser will inevitably speak to all souls under his merit Rabbi Nachman. The words: “Na Nach Nachma Nachman M’Uman”, The Song of Redemption is a novelty and wonder, unlike any preceding wisdom, it ameliorates all harsh judgments. Sweetens all suffering, all sin, and all the blasphemy-everything! Na Nach Nachma Nachman M’Uman a is a segula; a saying, object, or action with saving and enhancing effects. Everything is being transformed, look around, we are experiencing profound changes and our assumptive state has been shattered, and a new norm is evolving divine providence is moving to restore to balance the planetary homeostasis that maintains equilibrium. Mankind has become so deeply submerged in the vacuous pursuit of materialism that he has become oblivious and subsequently isolated from the spiritual soul (Neshama).  This Song of Redemption redeems the soul from this heresy by opening all the gates of mercy, prayer, and repentance.

The Black American nation after four hundred years in the land of captivity is uniquely poised for spiritual redemption, which is perhaps why I merited to encounter Rabbi Nachman, the Tzadik of this generation. My soul, through his intercession, is attached to the soul the Throne of glory. I am inspired to use my talents to usher in this redemptive cycle by using my talents to sing the Song of Redemption. All ancient Hebrew souls that resonate with the “No Limit Light” ground-force frequency will be awakened to holiness and consciousness of the Almighty G-d of Israel. The inherent wisdom of Na Nach Nachma Nachman M’Uman transforms everything -to Good. If you are reading this article it is because Divine Providence has orchestrated your destiny to the Single, Double, Triple, Quadruple Song of Redemption Na Nach Nachma Nachman M’Uman.


  • Only Jewish people, through their faith, transcend all the philosophical inquires and paradoxes that are in the world. For this reason, the Jewish people are called IVRiim (Hebrews), because, with their faith, they go beyond and transcend all types of inquiries and logical analyses. {Likutey Moharan 64}.
  • When a person knows that everything that happens to him is for the best, this is a taste of the world to come {Likutey Moharan 4}.
  • Know! You need to judge every person favorably, even someone who is completely wicked, you need to search for a bit of good. By finding in him a bit of good and judging him favorable you actually bring him over to the side of merit, and you can return him in teshuva(repentance) {Likutey Moharan 282}
  • Every single Hebrew/ Jew has a point in them that is uniquely precious. And it is with this point that he bestows enlightens, and arouse the heart of others. {Likutey Moharan 35}
  • Every single Hebrew/Jew has in him a portion of G-d above {Likutey Moharan 35}.
  • if you believe that you can damage I, then believe you can rectify {Likutey Mahoran vol.2.112}
  • It is a great deed to be happy always {Likutey Moharan vol.2 24.
  • It is impossible for a person to attain perfect prayer except by guarding his sexual purity to perfection {Likutey Moharan 2}.
  • For God’s kingship is founded solely upon the Hebrew/Jewish People who accept His kingship, since “there is no King without a nation, if there is no one to obey Him, God is not a king.
  • It is strictly forbidden to study philosophical words. This is because there are many philosophical dilemmas deriving from the vacated space which are absolutely impossible to resolve.
  • Each person needs to seek and to search diligently, and to pray to God a great deal, that he should merit to draw close to the Tzadik who will be a suitable teacher that he will be able to illuminate for him, to instill in him and to explain to him so lofty and great an insight as a perception of godliness. The attainment of such perceptions is a person’s primary goal and purpose in this world (Likutey Moharan #30).

Dr. Yisrael offers an introductory Hebrew Reading course, interested parties should leave their contact information in the designated spaces below.


  1. Thank you for putting this together in such a beautiful and informative way.
    It is very hard to take deep concepts and put them on paper, but you did a great job. Especially the summery of rebbe nachman’s most important teachings.
    Ras Samuel

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