
No WORD Spoken by God is Without Power!

Hello fellow veterans,

A global pandemic, racial injustice, president-elect Trump, Democrats and Republicans, defunct law enforcement agencies, defunding and disbanding the police, racism, cameras, no work, tight money.
Everybody making statements.  Everybody having dreams, everybody prophesying…when will it end?
Buy food, store food, watch out for September, November will hit hard 
Independence Day, 4th of July…is it?
Will there be fireworks, parades, and picnics?
What’s going on in our nation?
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  What do we do?
The time is more than saying a few affirmations.  You have to believe what you have been thinking and saying 
This is the Word of God which is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow and is a  discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Hey 4:12
These WORDS are from the mouth of God, himself: 
In famine, He will redeem me from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword.  Job 5:20
I am delivered from death and kept alive in famine.  Ps. 33:19
I will not be ashamed in the evil time. (I won’t be disgraced in times of adversity, I will not suffer when times are bad, I won’t be put to shame in the times of evil) Ps. 37:19
With God nothing is impossible. Another way to say it is: No WORD spoken by God is without power Luke 1:37
Veterans, you have been called to the streets…go with God!
Frankie Dawson,
Buy my book, “I AM VETERAN

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