By Gary Downing
We were doing great when President Obama left office.
Then came the guy who golfed and held rallies for money.
He never did anything because, for the next two years, the previous president’s achievements continued. Well, unless you are Trump, who did all he could to remove, delete, and stop everything a Black Man had created. Yes, he fired that pandemic group because he had a better idea.
Then came December when that same guy who fired all of the pandemic group learned people are dying from a virus, and it’s heading our way.
December, January, February, and Americans were dying as Trump continued to call it fake news, Kungflu, the Chinese disease, and the Democratic hoax.
But he didn’t care. He was making millions every time he used Air Force One to fly down to his resort, taking guests, the Secret Service, the press, and all of the SUV’s cars, and suddenly, the prices rose in his resort for rooms, food, golf, lounge chairs, drinks, and anything else you could ask for.
But Americans were dying, and tractor-trailer rigs were brought in with freezer units in them, and bodies were stacked inside because the hospitals had no room for the dead.
Finally, by the end of March, he stated, “We may have a problem.”
All around the world, people were dying, but in those other nations, they had leaders who had educations and understood you don’t just joke about people dying.
So, Trump brought his kids to work and gave them huge wages.
When it came to their kids, Kushner and Trump “repeatedly violated a number of the guidelines” outlined in the school’s parent handbook for precautionary COVID-19 rules, according to the source.
Oh, but we don’t have to follow the rules, they would say.
Maybe we can inject bleach into the people, and it will kill the virus, Trump said.
But all the time, people were dying, and Trump held rallies that gave him millions. He continued to play golf because that also paid him extremely well.