Gary Downing

By Gary Downing

(I wrote this in 2017, was I wrong?)
We could look at our military and never see any leader there as bad as what stands in our White House today, but he calls himself a leader.
We can look at all past presidents and not see anyone as inept as this man who calls himself a leader, including President Nixon.
No past president has ever tried to create as many problems as this one has, to detour investigations questions and correct his lies.
He has already cost all taxpayers what we paid in taxes for the first two years of the Obama administration.
Two years’ worth of taxes has been wasted on his golfing at his own resorts with extravagant costs, along with his two-week vacation, and helping transport his family around the globe to continue to set up more Trump resorts.
Is that really what a president does with our tax dollars? Is that how a president helps the people?
He never showed his tax returns, he never got out of the businesses he owns.
Even Jimmy Carter, a man of integrity, stepped out of his business as he entered the office.
Of course, he was a man of integrity, one thing Trump is not.
We have a man who wants to pardon people who have proven to be racist. He is a man who has lied about everything since he was born.
When you grow up telling lies, and you are only a liar, you only continue.
He has told all his little-minded followers I will bring jobs back to America, but everything he is producing is still being made overseas.
Oh, he must have forgotten that part.
His entire family does not create jobs in America. They created them in China, Taiwan, Mexico, and a few other places that do not have the American Seal of Approval.
Our fuel costs were low during the last administration, but since this guy got into our White House, fuel prices seem to have climbed again. Instead of $2.00, When President Obama brought all fuel costs down, we are now reaching $3.50 and still climbing. I expect that by the time he is voted out of office, our fuel cost will be around $5 a gallon.
Our so-called leader is all show.
He waited until the last minute to visit a hurricane-swept area, but instead of going to the area of damage, he was campaigning 20 miles away.
Why did he not do like other Presidents and visit the area as soon as possible?
Who knows? Someone must have told him he needed a good photo op to make him look good.
I guess he was told he needed to get closer as he made another trip,
DAYS LATER, and put on a show of helping to load a truck with boxes.
His wife goes along for the ride, but she is sure not ready to help anyone. She is only a showpiece in her beautiful shiny spike heels–for the guy who wants to be king.
I guess you might say she is the window dressing for the gold and fancy clubs, high-rise casinos, and elegant hotels.
Remember when other president’s wives got into the thick of things and helped people?
I have seen past president’s wives covered in mud and working in the rain as people needed help.
Have you seen it with this woman?
They are dressed up, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, posers, and are not real people. They are nothing like all of us. They think they are more important.
She is like him, a phony, made-up Barbie Trump props on his arm.
Oh, I forgot she won’t take his arm.
He is the man who cheated in our election and did it with Russian help.
He and his family have dealings with Russia, including money laundering at his casinos and Trump Tower.
He is still facing many lawsuits that have been filed against him for stealing from contractors unless being president allows him forgiveness for all his crookedness.
America has a child with the mentality of a 3rd grader at the wheel.
His manners and actions, even his speech, prove that.

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