The concept of time is largely thought of as being an extended straight line. While this is true, I would like to point out that cyclicity is inherent in time. During the long march of time, there have been time cycles when civilizations possessed knowledge of the integration of life. During these cycles, life was characterized by the illumination of consciousness, and life was lived in synchrony with the intelligence that governs wholeness. However, with the long lapse of time, knowledge is always lost. The golden age of past cycles of enlightenment has vanished and today there are only small pockets of the knowledge of the integrated life. The enormous potential of the soul has been forgotten and replaced with material trinkets. Owing to the inventions of secular technologies that usurps time and quadruples the demands on the nervous system, life has become anxious to an extent that stress and hypertension are common. There is an axiom that says, “what does its prophet a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul”. Americans have financial means, but no meaning to live for! Life without a spiritual purpose becomes a vicious cycle of work and worry. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the intensity of the stress and suffering has doubled-down. The legacy of racism and unjustified suffering characterizes the tenor of our times.  Something is missing, religion has failed to bind back the soul to its source. Life for most is like a ship without a rutter, adrift on the sea of uncertainty.

Against this backdrop, and owing to the nature of time cyclicity, Dr. Yisrael has arisen on the world stage to offer a spiritual technique that will open the door of the soul, energize life, reduce stress, and increase productivity. Soul Reflection is a mental technique that if practiced regularly, extricates the soul from the grip of despair and hopelessness. Soul-Reflection is a technology that conditions the mind to live its own nature. Americans are “feel good junkies” addicted to fleeting pleasures and impermanent emotions associated with “stuff and things.” In order to evoke repeated episodes of happiness, a new material trinket must be repeatedly purchased, yet, they can never fully satisfy the soul their happiness is fleeting.  Joy, on the other hand, is a permanent inner state that is obtained through spiritual discipline that is unconditional.  The practice of Soul Reflection winnows away the emptiness of being disconnected from others and reduces dependence on external stimulation by strengthening self-sufficiency.  Dr. Yisrael offers an individualized enrollment in his theoretical course: “Soul-Reflection and the Nature of Being”. The course teaches the theory of Creative Intelligence and the Soul-Reflection Technique.

There are two sides of life, the knower and known; or the subject and object. The Educational System has been historically myopic, offering a unilateral education in applied sciences pertinent only to the objective world. The focus of education has been on externality. Dr. Yisrael’s techniques focus exclusively on the knower. That is the subject who is doing the knowing.  Dr. Yisrael defines the Soul as the knower for at the foundation of all-knowing is the Soul.  Without knowledge of the knower, only 50% of the total value is lived and the other 50% is missed. It is time for the ineffable powers of the soul to be made available to the average citizen. My Soul-Reflection technology is a 21st-century technology of consciousness needed to reveal the internality of life. Soul-Reflection complements and balances the current myopic education.  There is an intimate relationship between the intelligence of existence and self-consciousness, the latter is the intelligence that acts in the physical world. The transformation of existence into the objective values of creation is brought about by the nature of intelligence itself, or in the language of religion; The will of God. Everything in nature is an expression of the sequential order of progression and the unfoldment of creative intelligence. Yet, we don’t see this basic value of intelligence, we extrapolate from our observation that the nature of life is Creative intelligence. This theoretical presupposition, however, is verifiable through the Soul -Reflection Technique which permits the mind to spontaneously takes recourse to its own nature which becomes that validation of the theory of creative intelligence. To reiterate, in preparation for existence to become the objective values of the diversified physical world, existence becomes self-conscious. The act of existence demonstrates that intelligence is a consciousness that is creative. When existence becomes Self-conscious intelligence becomes intelligent. Pure intelligence assumes the role of creative intelligence which is the basic value of creation. The mind is the seat of consciousness and, the window of the soul. Through Soul-Reflection the mind can be cultured to become established in its own inner nature and because the mind and body are interrelated, if one is improved, so does the other. Soul Reflection improves the mind, and thus, automatically the body improves. Soul -Reflection gives the body rest, which relieves stress which blocks the expression of one’s full potential. Subjectivity inspires objectivity both sides are interdependent and express the creative intelligence of the Soul.

Dr. Yisrael Course: Soul-Reflection and the Nature of Being. Free Introductory Lecture: 912 508-3127.

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