א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ

ס ע פ ע ק ר ש ת

Dr. Y’shua Yisrael. BABA
The Hebrew letters of the Torah, and the letters of prayers, are the letters of God’s speech; the letters of creation. There are an estimated 3000 languages and more than 66,000 letters that make up the alphabet of these languages. There is, however, only one language and one alphabet divinely created. The Hebrew letters have been formed and shaped by God alone. The Hebrew alphabet, Lashon Hakodesh is multifaceted, rich with meaning and creative intelligence. Hebrew letters possess:
1). Design, the specific way each letter is formed. This form represents the divine energy within each letter.
2). Gemetria, each letter in the Hebrew alphabet represents a certain number, e.g.,  the letter Aleph א = 1, the letter Bet ב = 2.
3). Meaning, Each letter has meaning, for example, aleph א stands for Chief, to learn, wondrous, and much more.
Each word in the Torah has a musical note. In Deuteronomy 28: 68, it is prophesied that the
Hebrew Israelites would be taken a second time into slavery by ships. An increasing number of African men and women identify as Hebrew Israelites, the descendants of the Hebrews brought into the diaspora during the trans-Atlantic Slave trade. Within this population, what is needed is a technology of consciousness that will facilitate the development of both the spiritual, as well as intellectual potential. The author advocates Lashon Hakodesh as the quintessential spiritual technology for Hebrew Israelites in the diaspora.

Therefore, within the African Hebrew population, it is critically important to discredit the popular idea that the Hebrew Bible is an Old Testament. On the mystery level, this simply is not true. Consider Psalms 119:89 which states, “לעולםהידברךנצבבשמים. “Forever Ha Shem ((יהוה your word stands firm in the heavens.” You can extrapolate from this scripture that the Hebrew letters are eternal. The European nations translated the Hebrew Bible, including the Apocrypha into the Greek language and named it, The Septuagint. In his best-seller, LASHON HAKODESH, Rabbi Klein advances the idea that words lose their meaning from one language to another. This, of course, means that Lashon Hakodesh, Biblical Hebrew cannot be translated into English. Therefore, to experience the concealed Torah on the mystical level called, “Sod”, literacy in Lashon Hakodesh, or biblical Hebrew is essential. The Greek letters in the New Testament are purely conventional, they are without any intrinsic meaning; they appeal to the intellect and do not transform physiology. According to Kabbalah, the Hebrew letters are agents of the creative process. As the Hebrew letters are spoken, the organizing intelligence of nature responds by manifesting their meaning. The human body and nervous system consist of the same intelligence as the letters. Therefore, reading the holy tongue (Ivrit) releases stress which precludes the mind and body from performing optimally. In this regard, reading Ivrit is unlike any of the conventional languages of the nations. Lashon Hakodesh is a spiritual technology that cannot be relegated to a dispensation of relative time. The Hebrew letters are eternal (Psalms 119:89).


From a mystical perspective, the term Old Testament is a misnomer. Hebrew literacy is the supreme gift to Hebrew Israelites in the diaspora, it is the link to the transcendental state of consciousness. Recitation of the letters in prayers and daily readings transforms the individual’s will into the Divine Will. This union of will is the basis for the right thoughts and right actions. Yehudi mysticism ( Jewish) teaches, that it is through the Hebrew letters that The Hebrew soul (Neshama) is united with Ha Shem (G-D). Finally, great Kabbalists maintain that The Hebrew Bible is a concealed code that can only be decoded through Hebrew Literacy. The Hebrew letters are the building blocks of creation, each letter is a profound spiritual force of primal energy. Therefore, when read for their sound and mathematical value, all the qualities of Ha Shem (יהוה) are stitched into the fabric of the reader’s consciousness. Words have two aspects, meaning and sound, it is the sound value of the consonants, vowels, and nikudot, (diacritical markings) that activate the human nervous system yielding an experience of ecstatic conductivity; the movement of bliss within the nervous system. For the people of color who are ascending out of the abyss of lost identity, linguistic competency is the mandated ladder. In Rabbi Michael Berg’s fascinating Book, “The Energy of The Hebrew Letters” he recommends a beginner’s exercise of scanning the letters in a right-to-left direction, carefully observing each letter’s shape, height, and nuances. Daily study of Hebrew will lead to literacy that is sufficient to experience a deeper spiritual connection. The long-term study of Lashon Hakodesh will establish a permanent connection with the ground source of creation; the Transcendent Immortal One! Interacting with the Hebrew letters is a spiritual exercise that will transform the heart from stone into flesh which fills it with love for HaShem and neighbor. What follows are the names, a brief description of each of the twenty-two sacred letters, along with a designation of its mathematical equivalence.
1. Aleph 1 = א . The first holy letter symbolizes the Oneness, uniqueness, sovereignty, mastery, and omnipresence of God. The Aleph represents a transformation from the lower nature to the higher nature.
2. Bet 2 = ב. Translated literally as “house”, the bet is the first letter of the first word in the Torah (B’reshiyth- In the beginning). Bet is also the first letter of many Hebrew blessings: Baruch (blessed) as in “Baruch Ha Shem (Blessed is the name of God) the letter bet symbolizes the duality of creation.
3. Gimmel 3 = ג. Traditionally meaning: reward, this is the symbol of kindness and completion. Gimmel symbolizes the generosity of Ha Shem; The Name יהוה.
4. Dalet 4 = ד . The door is the symbol of dimension and concern. Dimension in space and time; the four directions – north, south, east, and west; and the four worlds- emanation, creation, formation, and action.
5. Hei 5 = ה. The symbol of divinity, gentility, and specificity, “the spirit of the Lord”. This letter appears twice in the full name of God: יהוה 
6. Vau 6 = ו This letter symbolizes the completion of redemption, the transformation of humanity, and the restoration of justice. The sixth letter has a gematria of six.
7. Zayin 7 = ז Has a numerical value of seven, symbolizing spirit, sustenance, and struggle. God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh, a day of rest from the mundane, a day of involvement with the godly. Zayin means spear or male appendage.
8. Chet 8 = ח. Symbolizes transcendence, divine grace, and life. The numerical value of ח is eight. As the number seven symbolizes the complete purpose of human existence, the number eight symbolizes man’s ability to transcend the limitations of physical existence.
9. TET 9 = ט. The first ט appears in the Torah in the word tov or good, Genesis 1:4. This indicates that it is the symbol of goodness and humility. God himself is the source of all good (Genesis 1:31).
10. YUD 10 = י. The 10th letter in the Hebrew Aleph-Bet signifies creation and all the mystical processes. The letter is barely larger than a dot; it alludes to Ha Shem Who is One and indivisible. The multifarious nature of his attributes may appear to be numberless or contradictory yet, they all flow from a unified field of purpose and existence.
11. KAPH 20 = כ. The symbol of crowning achievement is related to the principle of the four crowns: Priesthood, Kingship, Torah, and a Good Name- the crown of a good name is superior to them all.
18. TZADDI 90 = צ The symbol of righteousness and humility. The righteous One refers to the almighty, who is called Tzadik.
19. KUF ק = 100 The symbol of Holiness, self- control, and abstinence.
20. REISH = ר 200 The symbol of choosing between greatness and degradation, the letter ר stands for the wicked; we must condemn destructive behavior and disassociate with those who exhibit it.
21. SHIN ש = 300 The Symbol of divine power peace and majesty.
22. TAU = ת 400 The symbol of truth and perfection and denotes the final spiritual destination.
KOPH 500 = ך 
MEM 600 = ם 
NUN נ = 700
PEH ף = 800
TSADDI ץ=  900
Dr. Yisrael teaches an individualized introductory Hebrew Reading Crash Course: ”ראשיתבינה REISTH BINAH, (The Beginning of Wisdom) interested parties should contact:

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