On The Alter They Must Stay

On The Alter They Must Stay

Written By: Enigmatic Mahogany Enigmatic Mahogany XpressionZ XpressionZ Xpressionz @followers @highlight

Trouble arises
In shambles not knowing where to turn
Unaware of where to even begin
Trying to figure out how could this be
What could have went wrong
Returning back to one’s roots
Remembering the source
The help one seeks cometh from the Lord above
To the heavenly father, our prayers availeth much
Yet even when our hearts have been heard
Our mind continues to stress
Not truly giving it over
Still trying to have our hands in the mix
Why can’t we just give it to Him to fix
He is a one-man show
Our consent is not needed
Allow him to be on the mender
The provider
The healer
Fully give your troubles away
On the altar, they must stay

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