Heaven is not some remote far-off physical place that souls go to after death as a reward for being good. This notion of heaven is a vestige from Sunday School days.  The Christ taught his followers that the kingdom of heaven is within them. Furthermore, Christ instructed his followers to first and far-most, seek the Kingdom of Heaven. Afterward, all other things would be added (Matthew 6:33). Seeking is an active process, and until that which is lost is found, it is a daily endeavor.  Heaven on earth has been the eternal quest of mystics, Kabbalists, and spiritual seekers throughout the age. The expression,” kingdom of Heaven” is a metaphor for the unmanifest inner realm of pure infinite potentiality. Heaven is the inner potential of the human which is by definition an individualized spark of fallen divinity. The soul incarnates into the physical world to engage in the search for the Kingdom of Heaven. Abundant life is not experienced through the acquisition of material things which is why The Christ instructed his followers to first seek the Kingdom of heaven.  Abundant life is the consequence of being established in the awareness of the inner Kingdom of Heaven. Without being established in the inner kingdom of Heaven, the acquisition of materials leads only to a life of anxiety, worry, and suffering.

Soul Reflection is a system of self-inquiry achieved through vertical thinking, which turns the attention inward to the spark of individualized divinity deep within each soul. The proclamation that the kingdom of Heaven is within you is a timely message, yet astoundingly, in every generation, the message is lost, overshadowed by the message of Heaven afterlife. Fortunately, in every generation, the inner kingdom of heaven beckons seekers of truth; rare individuals who intuitively know that life has more to offer. Seekers dare to be different; their restlessness and courage compel them forward on to a state of enlightenment. A spiritual seeker does not rest until Heaven on earth is gained in this life!  Once the inner kingdom of heaven is gained, the initial phase of cosmic life begins. Suffering is due to the inability to fulfill one’s desires which leads to frustration, and stress which is directly linked to hypertension another disease. The Soul- Reflection Technique aligns the soul with creative intelligence, which leads to spontaneous right thinking, right speech, and right action.

The practice of Soul Reflection involves the mental repetition of a mantra. A mantra is a mind tool, a word without meaning. The absence of meaning causes a refinement in the perception of the mantra. With further mental repetition Increasing refinement leads to finer and finer levels; eventually transcending even the subtlest level of the mantra. When the mantra is transcended what remains is complete silence and inner bliss of the soul. This state has been documented by numerous scientific studies and is characterized by increased alpha wave coherence in the frontal cortex area of the brain. This state is called “restful alertness, pure consciousness”. Brain coherence suggests greater inter-hemispheric transmission and total brain functioning. The experience of the mind settling-down produces a corresponding setting down in the activity of the nervous system, the breath becomes shallow as the body gains a profound rest much deeper than deep sleep! When the Kingdom of Heaven is gained all suffering, stress, and strife vanishes in the fire of pure being. The Greek aphorism “Know thy self” was inscribed on the front piece of the Temple of Delphi these words resonate profoundly today. A life without knowledge of the Self is a life not examined; and a life not examined is a life not worth living.

Free introductory Lecture by appointment: SOUL-REfLECTION: 912-508-3127:

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