Dr. Y’shua Yisrael. BABA

Black Americans are sensitive to the history of bitterness endured by the Jews. Their history is also one of rejection, and persecution which has served to coalesce them into an indomitable force. By means of an international conspiracy, the identity of the Black American man was stolen and he was reduced to someone seemingly without a biblical identity. During the past 160 years post-slavery, the Black American has been researching, scratching,  and digging into the past in order to lift himself out of the dungeon of post-slavery up onto the stairs of self-realization and human dignity. This quest led him to study the ancient scriptures of Israel in which he has found a reflection of himself, his condition, and prophesy of his redemption.   In the meantime, the Jewish people were consistently rejected and expelled from wherever they attempted to settle but not without first being excoriated. African Americans along with the world were horrified by the images that emerged from Germany of Jews being subjected to euthanasia programs, the gas Chambers, and other demonic acts of torture in concentration camps during the holocaust. Moreover, we have silently watched as White Americans in periodic episodes of anti-Jewish hatred, vandalize your property, deface your synagogues with swastikas,  and desecrate your family graves. The Jewish people, owing principally to their indomitable spirit, intellectual accomplishments, technological savvy, and deep faith have survived.  The war between Israel and Hamas has invoked Yet another palpable, antisemitic response in the Middle East,  Europe, North Africa, South Africa, and here on our democratic shores. The first Jewish community was established in Alabama in the 1820s when Abraham Mordecai, a Pennsylvania-born Jew established a cotton gin near Montgomery. There is always been a historical aloofness toward Jews by Alabamians. In  1958 the Jewish synagogue Beth EL, in Gadsden was firebombed. The jews have been merchants, and businessmen, providing goods and services within rural communities. In the racist culture of the Deep South, humor has been used to denigrate non-whites. And whereas humor seems innocuous, its effects are intended to reinforce bigotry and stereotypes. For an example. The Joker asks, “What do you get when you turn a nigger inside out”? Laughingly,  the joker answers, a Jew!  Racial diatribes of this nature are part and parcel of the culture, historically, directed toward Blacks and ethnic minority members. Ostensibly, for a period of the last seventy to eighty years post the holocaust, there’s been a superficial transition away from racism and the old bigoted ways of the South. The South has seemingly become more inclusive, and multicultural. Whereas the Alabama white society appears progressive, underneath this veneer is a deep-seated, traditional, white supremacy ideology that has frankly, proven immutable.

Just recently, the White House, condemned Elon Musk, the world, richest man and owner of the social media site X, formally known as Twitter, for promoting antisemitism. Mr. Musk’s comments expressed alignment with the idea that  Jews are replacing white people with immigrant minorities. Owing to the war between Israel and Hamas, the face of anti-Semitism has shown its dehumanizing tentacles within the hollowed corridors of academia. Students have expressed their deep fears at the threats of racial violence at several prestigious institutions including, Cornell at Ithaca, Columbia University in New York City, and the University of Pennsylvania. The Department of Education has initiated an investigation into antisemitism, and Islamophobia. The southern evangelicals, although steeped in the religious tradition of supporting Israel, simultaneously preach that Jews are complicit in the crucifixion of Jesus.  Perhaps, the most salient and tangible basis for animosity against the Jews in the “Bible Belt” is the Jewish rejection of “Jesus” as their long-awaited Messiah.  This rejection of Jesus acts tacitly to justify antisemitism. Judaism and Christianity are totally opposite and mutually exclusive with respect to theology. For example, within Judaism the ideas of original sin and vicarious blood atonement are nonexistent.  The central tenet of Judaism is; that God is  One, unique,  and indivisible Being, and Israel is his chosen people. Christians in contrast,  advance a trinitarian theology. Christians are commanded in the Gospel; “ to go out therefore, unto all the nations of the world baptizing them, in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit“( Matthew 28:19). This commandment is an intimidation, insult, and threat to the Jewish faith.

In the 21st century, hip-hop-based culture has grown increasingly, anti-Semitic. Why, because famous rappers in the music industry and other famous Black personalities

Characterize  Jews, as aggressive, greedy, and consistently, exploitive of Black Americans.

When it comes to Jewish loyalty, the Hip-Hop community, like most communities are divided. This in part, is owed to the Hip Hop’s generation’s insensitivity to the overwhelming support and advocacy that Jews demonstrated for Black and other disadvantaged minority students in higher education during the civil rights era;  Dr. David Goldstein, one of the founders of the American Academy of audiology at Purdue and Dr. Rafael Haller, a Professor of Language and Pathologist at South Carolina State University for example. The renowned  Jewish  Rabbi, Abraham Joshua Heschel, marched with Dr. King in Selma, and many Jews participated in the freedom rides, marches, and sit-ins of the civil rights period. The Jewish Presence and support for Blacks, and other minorities was evident at the historic March on Washington in August 1963. For example, Shad Polier of the American Jewish Congress, Rabbi Leon Foyer of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, and George Maislon of United synagogues of America. Rabbi, Joachim, Prinz of the American, Jewish Congress, and Rabbi Yuri Miller, gave one of the opening prayers. An objective assessment of the Jewish presence in the African-American quest for equal rights is omnipresent; their fingerprints are embedded in every cause that has advanced the dignity of Black Americans. Paradoxically,

In the 21st century, having emerged from an amorphous non-specific slave identity, many Blacks have embraced a Hebrew Israelite identity and ideology that is predicated on the sacred Biblical text. This choice of identity and affiliation has created a kerfuffle between Black Hebrews and Jews.  Seemingly, there is a strong negative Jewish reaction against Black people for using the word, “ Hebrew”. In the post-integration period, the cycle of redemption, the inpouring of God-consciousness has served to awaken Black America to its historic identity as the lineal descendants of the biblical patriarchs. The movie, “From  Hebrews to Negros”,  sparked considerable debate, curiosity, and even outrage that further intensified, the antagonism between the awakened Blackman and Jews. The Hebrew Israelites charged the Jews with identity theft. A Hebrew Israelite named Ben Ami led a group of Hebrew Israelites from Chicago to Israel where for a period of fifty-plus years they have been,   “persona nongrata”. For nearly 50 years, there have been episodes of deportation and threats

of repeated expulsion unless the group members convert to Judaism and become Jews. The Jewish expulsion of Black Hebrews served to fuel and increase the animosity of Blacks against Jews worldwide. In South Africa, a former apartheid nation, there is considerable animosity against Jews, for their treatment of the Palestinian people.  They remember the apartheid state and vicariously see themselves as the Palestinians. Dr. Cornell West, the renowned Black American Harvard professor and an outspoken advocate of universal brotherhood, has been outspoken for the Palestinian, innocent children and calls for a permanent ceasefire between IDF and Hamas. The world, it seems, is in a state of transition caused by the unseen forces that govern, an orchestrated earthly activity. These forces have spoken through the actions of both Hamas and the IDF and made an indelible impression in the ethers that will effect a significant change in the status quo; the best is yet to come. Let us pray, and direct our minds toward creating an ideal society without war. This collective prayer will usher in the coming of The Messiah.

Dr. Yisrael offers individualized instruction in Hebrew Reading. Interested parties contact: Babayshua






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