Without question, Mankind has been a great disappointment to God, our Creator, because of our disobedience. The first recorded case occurred when the first woman, Eve, listened to the serpent and knowingly ate the forbidden fruit. Adam, her husband, obviously could not refuse Eve’s offer of the fruit, so he too ate of it.
God had warned them not to eat of the tree in the midst of the Garden of Eden, nor to touch it. After eating the fruit, they quickly acquired knowledge of the fact that they were naked and tried to cover themselves up so God wouldn’t see their naked bodies.
God then said, that because Man had eaten of the forbidden fruit now they knew good and evil. Apparently, God intended the couple to teach their future children, and descendants, all about good and evil, because God closed all access to the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil by closing off the Garden of Eden.
However, they either forgot to tell their first son Cain that killing another person was evil, or Cain just disobeyed God and killed his brother Able, thereby becoming the first human to commit murder.
Some sixteen hundred years later God looked down from Heaven and saw that Mankind had become so wicked that every thought in their mind was Evil. God could only find one man who was righteous, and that man was Noah.
God told Noah to build an Ark (ship) and it took him and his three married sons a hundred years to finish the Ark. During that time Noah warned his fellow man of God’s word that He was going to bring rain which would flood and kill them because of their evil behavior and disobedience of His word. They did not believe him and were drowned.
God said, “Never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
But he knows all about Man, He said, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, ALTHOUGH THE IMAGINATION OF MAN’S HEART IS EVIL FROM HIS YOUTH.”
MAN CONTINUES TO BE EVIL AND DISOBEDIANT AND WILL BE JUDGED! How He will do it is in the Bible, the Word of God.
Manuel Ybarra, Jr. 17472 CR 3765, Coalgate, OK 74538,
Email: mybarrajr18@yahoo.com