The Biggest Failure of the Alabama Democratic Party

The biggest failure of the Alabama Democratic Party is their failure to stand behind former Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman the only politician to win all of Alabama’s top elected offices: Secretary of State, Attorney General, Lt. Governor, and Governor. Don Siegelman is a living testimony of what happens when the justice system is weaponized to destroy political opponents. He is also a living example of how Democrats can win in the South because he was the first one to do it.  Siegelman is the focal point of the documentary: Atticus v. The Architect
by Steve Wimberly exposes the dirty underbelly of Alabama politics that has made Alabama one of the top states for corruption.
Alabama Democrats act as if they don’t have an issue that could attract state and nationwide attention and it centers on what’s happening in the nation so they need to wake up and get that issue out there, the weaponization of the judicial system in Alabama.
Don Siegelman is the best case because where are you going to find so much evidence of it? Our focus should be on what happened to former Democratic Governor Don Siegelman. Over 115 current and former state Attorneys General of BOTH parties say he was unjustly convicted and our sorry Alabama Democratic strategy doesn’t even talk about it but we sit here as Alabama Republicans like Tuberville talk about the weaponization of the justice department as if Alabama doesn’t have the strongest case for weaponization.
One whistleblower described himself as one of the 11 original Republican party members in Montgomery, Alabama, and was a Republican lawyer for the national committee he signed a sworn affidavit to the plot to use the justice system to jail Siegelman but Alabama Democrats acted as if they have no issue about the weaponization the grassroots just doesn’t get them right now, it’s goofy and a dereliction of the leadership duties.  Alabama Democrats should be ashamed but proud to see all the comments on Georgia winning back the South when the Governor has already done that by winning EVERY SINGLE MAJOR STATE OFFICE in Alabama but when the corrupt Alabama judicial system came for him our weak-kneed Democrats ran with their tails tucked between our legs and we have been political cowards ever since. I honestly feel the Alabama Democrats running a rough shot or the party doesn’t want justice for the former Governor because the party would be much better if he had a bigger role so by default they help the Alabama Republican party by avoiding what happened.
Are the party leaders scared to stand up for the former Governor or do they have orders from Reed & Company not to address the weaponization of the judicial system in Alabama? Joe Reed is definitely not a friend of the former Governor but I’m standing up and it’s time to set the record straight that Alabama Democrats can do it and Don is the proof that we’ve done it before. 
*WAKE UP ALABAMA DEMOCRATS YOUR CAUSE IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACES! The true and easily proven weaponization of the justice department happened here in Alabama in the Don Siegelman case. 

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