Open Letter to Ayatollah Khamenei & The World

As Iran’s religious leader, you must have read God’s original Word to mankind which God gave to Moses, with His command, that it was to be made known throughout the Earth.  Not only to be known but to be obeyed by Mankind, in order to have a just and righteous world.

To achieve a just and righteous world, God gave Moses, and the world, the Ten Commandments, that are to be obeyed by that generation, and all future human generations.

In the first commandment, God Almighty makes it clear that He is God and that “Thou shall not have other gods.”  He also told Moses that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had known Him as God Almighty, but that his name was Jehovah.  God changed Jacob’s name to Israel.

It was through Israel’s descendants that God fulfilled his promise, to give the “Promise Land” to Abraham.  God used his great power, first, to get them out of Egyptian slavery, and then maintaining them in the desert for forty years.  God kept them in the desert that long because He had to punish some for their unbelief and disobedience.

After God’s cleansing, He used his powers to help them conquer the Promised Land.  He instilled fear of God upon the ungodly inhabitants.  They possessed the Promised Land.  Later, unfortunately, like the rest of humanity, they failed and worshiped other Gods and were severely punished.

According to the Word of God, Israelites are still the rightful owners of the Promised Land.  They are God’s Chosen Nation and will always be.  God, the Creator, is the owner of everything made or created on Earth and the Universe.

We are all supposed to love God first and love Israel and the rest of Humanity.

Those who Hate Israel and have been saying “death to Israel” are disobeying God.  God is Love, NOT HATE.

Launching thousands of rockets to kill Israelites invading their God God-given country, and murdering innocent civilians, is a crime against God and humanity.

That Promise Land and the Rest of the World, through the ages and now, continue to disobey God and his Just and Righteous Commandments.

The Word of God tells of the “End of Time.”  It is going to come when God calls it time.  When it starts only He knows.  When it does, some 87% of the human population, will die before He sends His Son Jesus to destroy the rest of the unbelievers.

When he comes from Heaven, he will bring with him over a hundred million with him.  Those will include those who were “born again” and were resurrected and God’s angels.  He will rule this Earth for a thousand years from Jerusalem.

Manuel Ybarra, jr.  17472 CR 3765, Coalgate, OK 74538, Email:

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