Second Letter to Ayatollah Khamenei and the World

Dear Ayatollah Ali Khamenei:

Last month I wrote an open letter to you and the World, and emailed it to over 3000 newspapers, hoping somehow, someone would make it available to you, for you to read.

For some reason, God has put a heavy burden in my heart, concerning the destiny of His most precious creation, Mankind, whom He created in his image.

He sought fellowship with his creation and wanted Man to do good, not evil.  But it only took some 1,700 years for Man to become so evil that it grieved God, and so, He sent the Great Flood, destroying all but Noah’s family.

GOD WANTS HUMANITY TO BELIEVE AND LIVE BY HIS WORD, NOT BY HUMAN NONSENSE!   Unfortunately, a large part of Man does not believe in God, or does, but continues to defy God, and at the end of their mortal lives, are thrown into Hell screaming.  And later, like the biblical rich man in hell, will be begging for a drop of water.

God meant it when he said, “Believe in me and Not in Man.”  Man disobeys that simple order and ends up in Hell, and later in the Lake of Fire for Eternity.  God calls that foolishness!

God selected Israel to be the “Light of the World” by spreading the Word of God to the World.  He later sent Jesus, also called, “The Word of God” and, He said, “I am the light of the World.”

It is only through the precious sacrificial holy blood of Jesus, and believing in God and Jesus, that one can enter Heaven.  God’s Word says so!

Murdering others to get to Heaven, and to get seventy-two relatives to Heaven, is utter nonsense.  Definitely, not in The Word of God, and his salvation plan for humanity.   In God’s Word, each individual is personally accountable to Him.

I am sure God wants you to stop sending yourself and your followers to Hell.  Please Read God’s Word!

Manuel Ybarra, jr.  17472 CR 3765, Coalgate, OK 74538,   Email:

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