Used Political Salesman Rep. Daniels (D)

Marcus J. Echols aka “The Grassroots Mouthpiece”

Many of the Alabama Congressional District 2 candidates will fall by the political wayside shortly after the 1st debate and it will mainly be due to “name recognition” followed by money to fund a successful campaign. Name recognition and money are the two main two indicators and you can have at least one of the two and have an impact but if you have both it’s game on. Before I get down to the subject at hand I want to thank the lesser-known and financially strapped candidates for their public and military service. A special thanks to the ones who have been moved to enter politics, it’s not your time.

 Rep. Daniels & Reed has been referred to on a live podcast (The Grassroots Mouthpiece Show: The Rep. Anthony Daniels Betrayal as “Dumb & Dumber” with Daniels as “dumber” in that he should know better. Daniels was elected on the backs of millennials who thought he represented the change they had been looking for but he only turned out to be a political bootlicker of Joe Reed & Company. Younger voters feel like they’ve been lied to and duped by the politics of Rep. Daniels. I like others feel like if he didn’t have Rep. Laura Hall’s coattails to hang onto he would’ve been a one-termer for sure. Our brightest and best leaders are not in position instead we have to settle with the likes of Rep. Daniels who’s nothing more than Joe Reed who is a used political car salesman. Here’s an example of one of his “used political car salesman” lines: “If I’m successful, I’ll be able to get the federal government to allow Alabama to start over and give the match of 100% and allow them to provide health care to this some 300,000 Alabamians,” he said.
I don’t doubt Rep.Daniels could get the federal Government (Biden (D) federal government) to allow Alabama to start over for matching funds but who’s Rep. Daniels trying to sell this to? Rep. Daniels knows that there’s a “Super-Majority” in Montgomery, Alabama and Republicans have vowed to renew their efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act. Are voters to believe that after 10 years he’s going to get it done? What’s his plan for “coaxing” the Alabama MAGA elected officials to finally accept the Affordable Care Act commonly smeared as “Obama Care?” So that’s his big coaxing plan for expanded healthcare?
Rep. Daniels will not put millennials first or do what’s best for the young Democrats of the state of Alabama allegedly because he’s a political rudy poot who infiltrated the youth vote.
The U.S. Constitution does not require members of the U.S. House of Representatives to live in the district they represent. He’s the ultimate “carpetbagger politician” in my book. Rep. Daniels has a history of not properly funding Democratic Candidates. There have been election cycles where he ends up with more money post-election (allegedly over $70,000 in one voting cycle) than he had pre-election. It would be a sad and low-down political situation if Rep. Daniels who’s allegedly been stingy to political candidates now gets to use all that Ebenezer Scrooge money to fund his run in District 2.  
Most candidates across the state have been unhappy with Rep. Daniels for years because if he and the Democratic Mafia Boss Joe Reed don’t think you can win (regardless of what you and your supporters think) then they will be stingy towards candidates. We should never elevate someone who thinks they have the sole right of picking winners and losers. To top it all off he’s been trained/mentored by people who have really hurt & divided the Alabama Democratic Party. At every turn, Rep. Daniels has either turned a blind eye to the root cause of the division in the party or gave it aid & comfort. Rep. Daniels has not trained or mentored youth that represent the youth in the party and he may look like one of the younger generation but in truth, he’s a pitiful throwback. We should be tired of dusty flakey political duds. 

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